Sunday, January 27, 2013

Happy 2013!

Since my last update, we've been pretty busy with day-to-day hum drum of work and home.  Justin has been hunting a lot.  We celebrated his birthday this month.  He will be picking out a puppy in March!  Blaze is ready to have a "buddy" in the backyard!  He's such a good dog so we're getting another German Short Hair from the same breeder.  Justin is looking forward to having lots and lots of time to spend training the pup! ;) 

There are some developments on the health front that are worth noting.  I had surgery before Christmas to look for endometriosis and check a few other things.  The surgery was laproscopic and only took about 2 hours.  I had a bad reaction with the anesthesia and ended up staying at the hospital most of the day.  But once I was able to calm my stomach and wake up enough, Justin drove me back to my parents house to recover.  The doctor was able to laser off the endometriosis so I won't require another surgery.  Since surgery, I have been taking various hormones and thyroid medications to help normalize all the hormonal side of things.  I have not felt this FANTASTIC since before I was pregnant two years ago. 

I appreciate all that the doctors at the institute in Omaha have done for us over the past few months.  We are also grateful for our contact here in GI; Andrea has a tough job advocating for all of her clients but she's a sweetheart and helps so much!  We've made some other healthy changes too.  I always thought my diet was pretty restricted due to my Celiac's disease.  But I've changed that thinking once I started doing the Paleo diet.  I have followed the 80/20 approach so I still have days where I "cheat" and eat something refined and full of SUGAR.  For that 80%, I've reduced the amount of sugar and grains I eat.  I still get carbohydrates but they come from fresh vegetables and a few fruits.  My meals consist mainly of meats and vegetables.  I've mastered a few baking recipes using coconut flour, honey, and maple syrup.  It's different but so worth the wonderful, healthful feeling of no "gut" issues.  I can tell how a "cheat" hurts me and I feel the effects of it for a few days after.  I have so much more energy.  I don't have blood sugar spikes like I had when I would consume grains and sugar in high amounts.  I don't experience the afternoon "fog" I used to after eating lunch.  This may be "TMI" but my stomach issues are completely gone when I follow the Paleo "template" so it's very worth it!

We've made a lot of changes in the past few months.  All of  which have made an impact toward improving our health but making our dreams a possibility!  We are so very hopeful that we will be able to have a child in the near future.  More hopeful than we've been in months.  I can honestly say, it doesn't seem so far off now.  But maybe what's helped the the fact that peace now fills our hearts.  We know we have done and are doing all that we can.  The rest is out of our hands.

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